No Matches
Data Fields
Dwarf_Obj_Access_Methods_a_s Struct Reference

#include <libdwarf.h>

Data Fields

int(* om_get_section_info )(void *obj, Dwarf_Unsigned section_index, Dwarf_Obj_Access_Section_a *return_section, int *error)
Dwarf_Small(* om_get_byte_order )(void *obj)
Dwarf_Small(* om_get_length_size )(void *obj)
Dwarf_Small(* om_get_pointer_size )(void *obj)
Dwarf_Unsigned(* om_get_filesize )(void *obj)
Dwarf_Unsigned(* om_get_section_count )(void *obj)
int(* om_load_section )(void *obj, Dwarf_Unsigned dw_section_index, Dwarf_Small **dw_return_data, int *dw_error)
int(* om_relocate_a_section )(void *obj, Dwarf_Unsigned section_index, Dwarf_Debug dbg, int *error)
int(* om_load_section_a )(void *obj, Dwarf_Unsigned dw_section_index, enum Dwarf_Sec_Alloc_Pref *dw_alloc_pref, Dwarf_Small **dw_return_data_ptr, Dwarf_Unsigned *dw_return_data_len, Dwarf_Small **dw_return_mmap_base_ptr, Dwarf_Unsigned *dw_return_mmap_offset, Dwarf_Unsigned *dw_return_mmap_len, int *dw_error)
void(* om_finish )(void *obj)

Detailed Description

The functions we need to access object data from libdwarf are declared here.

Unless you are reading object sections with your own code (as in src/bin/dwarfexample/jitreader.c) you will not need to fill in or use the struct.

om_relocate_a_section uses malloc/read to get section contents and returns a pointer to the malloc space through dw_return_data, which is recorded in the applicable section data.

om_load_section_a uses either malloc/read or mmap and consequently returns more data as needed for eventual free() or munmap().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: